Using Social Media as a Staffing Strategy

REMOTO WORKFORCE Team I Updated on - June 1, 2022

As far as recruiting candidates, it’s important to explore all your options. The most recent strategy is social media recruiting. In this day and age, most potential candidates are looking for job opportunities via social media platforms (i.e. LinkedIn). As a Staffing firm, it’s essential to look in these areas so you don’t miss out on talented and qualified individuals. It’s also necessary to stay protected with Staffing Liability Insurance.

According to an article in Small Business Trends, here are some reasons to use social media as a staffing strategy.

– Compete with larger companies. The bigger businesses and executives are starting to turn to social media as their method of locating talented candidates. In a recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management, two-thirds of HR managers have found their new hires through social media in the past year.

– Track passive job candidates. Most small business owners have found that looking for skilled workers is getting more difficult. This is because many good employees are just not actively looking for a job. With social media, your staffing firm can actively find and reach out to people who are not reaching out to you. This way you can limit the search to those that fit the exact skills and experience you’re looking for.

– Stay connected with high quality employees. Most job seekers are aware of how important keeping a presence on LinkedIn is. The most interested employees are usually the most active on social media, as they know how essential it is for their career development.

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