Video Game Producer

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Video Game Producer to be successful in their role?

The Video Game Producer’s role is as owner of a project, or a major part of a project. The Video Game Producer has the responsibility of assembling and managing a team of engineers, designers and artists; outlining, scheduling and tracking tasks; and making sure the project is headed in the right direction. The Video Game Producer makes sure the process and progress of a game’s design, development and release actually happen. The Video Game Producer keep game develop and design teams moving towards deadlines, working collaboratively and sticking to the same creative and technical vision. The Video Game Producer sometimes will work very closely with the director and lead designer, and have a great deal of creative input and control themselves. In other cases, the Video Game Producer role may be a little more purely organizational, or they may be contracted in as a freelancer late in a project to help bring it under control and steer it over the finish line.

Video Game Producer Responsibilities:

  • Responsibilities focused on completing the project on time for release and scheduling programming so the team has the assets necessary to successfully meet deadlines and quality standards.
  • Assists in creating and maintaining project schedules, milestones, benchmarks, and release
  • Conducts regular planning and review sessions with team members; identifying future problems and identifies strategies to avoid them.
  • Support the game.
  • Maintain all design aspects of a game-as-service through the entire project life cycle.
  • Inspire game team through progressive, creative design.
  • Provide and receive critique in a constructive manner with suggestions and solutions for improvement.

Video Game Producer Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  • Solid experience serving as a team leader in managing projects.
  • Knowledge of current trends in video gaming and online gaming in the mobile, console, and PC markets.
  • Ability to work well in a team environment
  • Familiarity with Project management software

Video Game Producer – US & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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