Training and Development Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Training and Development Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Training and Development Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Training and Development Specialist help create, administer, and deliver training programs for businesses and organizations. To do this, the Training and Development Specialist must first assess the needs of an organization, and then develop custom training programs that take place in classrooms or training facilities. The Training and Development Specialist work with training programs are increasingly delivered through computers, tablets, or other hand-held devices. The Training and Development Specialist organize or deliver training sessions using lectures, group discussions, team exercises, hands-on examples, and other formats.

Training and Development Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Administration of learning software or related.
  • Training creation and implementation in multiple delivery modalities.
  • Collaboration with the talent management team and stakeholders to ensure on-time, cost effective, and high-quality delivery of programs.
  • Using metrics and benchmarks to monitor accuracy and quality of programs and solutions.
  • Coordination and execution of training and development initiatives.
  • Building and maintaining relationships across a variety of functions and locations.

Training and Development Specialist Requirements:

  • Bachelor´s degree in Learning & Development, Organizational Development, Human Resources, Education or related field.
  • Proficient in Google Suite.
  • Solid experience in a complex coordination role.
  • Strong communication and training skills.
  • Huge desire for helping others learn.

Training and Development Specialist – US & Canada
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The Value of Remote Outsourcing

American and Canadian businesses are now comfortable turning to Mexico to obtain key remote services provided by qualified and skilled professionals at significant cost savings.

Still today, many companies ignore the global talent pool and the opportunities that come with it. Today, cross-border recruiting is easier than ever.


Reduction of the cost of your payroll up to 70% 

Hiring a remote and cross-border talent is easier than ever. 

Savings of up to

32% on your cost per hire

And the flexibility to grow your business anytime.

Feel free to ask us about our pricing and options for your business.

Give us a call now on (888) 307-1779 or send us an email.



How an outsourcing partner can help you grow your business

Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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