Tax Advisor Attorney

Get a full-time outsourced Tax Advisor Attorney. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Tax Advisor Attorney to be successful in their role?

The Tax Advisor Attorney is a fully operational professional who furthers the objectives of the organization or client by researching and analyzing legislation, statutes, administrative rules, and other sources of law in order to recommend and implement tax policies. The Tax Advisor Attorney is a part of a team of advisors who research and analyze tax laws, resolve complex tax problems, and draft rules, letter rulings, and other internal and external guidance. The Tax Advisor Attorney routinely responds to inquiries from internal and external stakeholders, briefing them on tax issues and legislation. The Tax Advisor Attorney possess strong knowledge of tax laws and issues including income, property, general tax, etc.

Tax Advisor Attorney Responsibilities:

  • Informing clients or employers on the tax preparation process.
  • Collecting relevant financial records, including pay stubs and income statements.
  • Inputting data from financial records into tax return software or databases.
  • Using applicable laws, state and local tax law to determine deductions and how much each client will pay or earn on the return.
  • Completing and filing tax documents with appropriate agencies, state and local government entities.
  • Acting as a representative for clients with applicable agencies.
  • Building customer relationships to promote and expand the business.

Tax Advisor Attorney Requirements:

  • Juris doctor or related.
  • Solid experience in tax laws.
  • Excellent communications skills – both verbal and written.
  • Capacity to pay attention to minute details.
  • Ability to work within a team environment.
  • Skill to manage and be responsible for varying client loads and deadlines.

Tax Advisor Attorney – USA & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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