Special Education Remote Teacher

Get a full-time outsourced Special Education Remote Teacher. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Special Education Remote Teacher to be successful in their role?

A Special Education Remote Teacher has responsibilities that include developing curriculum, teaching students, and recording progress through online programs. The Special Education Remote Teacher work with children that require education centered on their individual needs. The Special Education Remote Teacher duties require you to address a student’s disability and provide accommodation to set them up for success. Also, a Special Education Remote Teacher develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and offer a school experience in an environment where your students can thrive. As a Special Education Remote Teacher, you work from home and may teach a full class or focus on only a few students.

Special Education Remote Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Host and join live synchronous classes.
  • Promote a positive learning environment.
  • Provide academic instruction to special needs students in a variety of subjects using evidence-based techniques such as multisensory learning, differentiation, repetition or phonetics.
  • Communicate educational plans to parents, teachers, administrators, and others involved with the student’s progress.
  • Coordinate with teachers to modify the curriculum to provide a more effective learning environment for special needs students.
  • Incorporate instruction in time management and organizational skills to meet student learning objectives.
  • Teach students how to use technology effectively to facilitate their learning.

Special Education Remote Teacher Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in education or related field.
  • Strong experience as a special education teacher.
  • Working knowledge of the concepts, principles and methodologies of instruction, learning theory and teaching methodologies for special education students.
  • Solid ability to identify students appropriate for special education programs; to develop instructional goals for students within special education programs; design and deliver instruction and assess student’s learning.
  • Abilities in decision making, problem analysis, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships and planning.

Special Education Remote Teacher – US & Can

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