Remote Business Psychologist

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Remote Business Psychologist to be successful in their role?

The Remote Business Psychologist responsibility is to use the principles of psychology to implement strategies and solutions that improve the day-to-day performance of a company and its employees. The Remote Business Psychologist duties may include researching ways to motivate staff, helping organize or design a workplace, analyzing the behavior of employees, and consulting with other experts to handle unusual situations. The Remote Business Psychologist often provide advice that impacts most or all of a company, but this is usually limited by available budgets and the size of the organization. Also, the Remote Business Psychologist should have experience in administering and interpreting psychological evaluations including cognitive, academic, personality, neuropsychological and social and emotional measures.

Remote Business Psychologist Responsibilities:

  • Provide expertise in development of technical system requirements for functional competency assessment, analysis, and validation methodologies.
  • Provide expertise on a variety of qualitative and quantitative analytical processes to include statistical analysis, modeling, forecasting, surveys, simulation, and regression analysis.
  • Conduct literature reviews, focus groups, interviews, and occupational assessment surveys; develop reports; perform competency research.
  • Create and administer surveys, as well as analyze and report on survey results.
  • Project/research design: support the design of research projects through coordination and collaboration with stakeholders, literature reviews, identification of best practices, development of data collection instruments and protocols, and creation of project plans and timelines.
  • Data collection: support execution of data collection procedures, perform quality assurance checks to ensure that appropriate methodologies are followed consistently, adhering to the project plan and schedule, and documenting the process.
  • Data analysis: download/import/export raw data and assemble data sets. Analyze quantitative and qualitative research data.

Remote Business Psychologist Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in psychology or related field.
  • Highly effective communicator.
  • Solid experience in working in a project management.
  • Proactive and creative approach to problem solving.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Experience working in a multidisciplinary team.

Remote Business Psychologist – US & Canada
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