Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor

Get a full-time outsourced Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor to be successful in their role?

The Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor coordinate activities of switch-engine crew within railroad yard, industrial plant, or similar location. The Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor coordinate activities of train crew on passenger or freight trains. The Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor review train schedules and switching orders and coordinate activities of workers engaged in railroad traffic operations, such as the makeup or breakup of trains and yard switching. The Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments. Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve performance.

Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • Signal engineers to begin train runs, stop trains, or change speed, using telecommunications equipment or hand signals.
  • Confer with engineers regarding train routes, timetables, and cargoes, and to discuss alternative routes when there are rail defects or obstructions.
  • Instruct workers to set warning signals in front and at rear of trains during emergency stops.
  • Supervise workers in the inspection and maintenance of mechanical equipment to ensure efficient and safe train operation.
  • Supervise and coordinate crew activities to transport freight and passengers and to provide boarding, porter, maid, and meal services to passengers.
  • Verify accuracy of timekeeping instruments with engineers to ensure trains depart on time.
  • Document and prepare reports of accidents, unscheduled stops, or delays.

Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor Requirements:

  • High school diploma or related.
  • Work experience in a service-focused position.
  • Basic mechanical skills to perform simple procedures and repairs.
  • Strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
  • Must have strong oral and written communication skills.

Railroad / Train conductor Supervisor – US & Canada
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