Product Owner Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Product Owner Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Product Owner Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Product Owner Specialist will be responsible for defining the product vision and managing the product development process. The Product Owner Specialist other responsibilities include managing backlog items, and optimizing the value of the product(s). The Product Owner Specialist should also be able to lead the product development team toward achieving the vision and mission of the organization. During evaluations, the product owner will match and prioritize the features and functionality of the product to obtain maximum performance to the benefit of the end user. The Product Owner Specialist duties include scheduling and leading meetings to identify product issues, determining roadmaps for products and managing daily goals and schedules to achieve high performance and meet project deadlines.

Product Owner Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Lead product management activities for multiple products, or one strategic product.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create best practices that drive significant change to the client experience.
  • Coach product teams towards best practices and learnings. Ensures delivery of messaging, communication, and customer outreach as necessary.
  • Partner with stakeholders to resolve production and implementation issues in a timely manner, and supports/drives escalations where required to enable rapid delivery.
  • Lead the planning, development and implementation of new products. Defines and analyzes markets, developing detailed product features and requirements, and developing implementation plans.
  • Employ a variety of qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques to continually improve the user experience.
  • Participate in and provide recommendations for ongoing business planning and departmental prioritization activities.
  • Participate in special projects and perform other duties as assigned.

Product Owner Specialist Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Economics, Finance, Industrial Engineering, Software Engineering, Mathematics, Marketing or other relevant field.
  • Fulfillment experience performing business/operational analysis, functional requirements analysis, and product roadmap planning.
  • Strong experience with web analytics tools and using data to make decisions.
  • Solid work experience leading large cross-functional teams on major organizational projects.
  • Customer service experience.
  • Exceptional communication skills and ability to diffuse upsets.

Product Owner Specialist – USA & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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