Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant

Get a full-time outsourced Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant to be successful in their role?

The Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant digitally assists the lead phlebotomist in charge of performing a highly invasive procedure that requires the phlebotomist to perform a complex sequence of maneuvers properly and safely. Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant performs document review on these various procedures including venipunctures, finger pricks, heel pricks, assisting physicians with bone marrow harvesting, performing template bleeding times. The Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant obtains the results of these laboratory tests and must record and report them in a timely manner while maintaining quality control standards. In addition, the Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant is responsible for labeling each sample and then ensuring that the proper samples are taken from the correct patient for registration in the system.

Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for registering patient tests; this may include obtaining and pre-processing samples.
  • Report the results and make sure they are delivered to the right destination.
  • Responsible for processing various daily, monthly and quarterly reports and all other duties assigned to the supervisor.
  • Clarify orders to patients if they are unclear, to ensure that the tests the doctor intends are performed.

Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant Requirements:

  • High school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Must be able to demonstrate the unique knowledge and skills necessary to care for neonates, pediatrics, adolescents, adults, and geriatrics.
  • Have successfully completed a college-based phlebotomy training program or an on-the-job training program.
  • Strong experience as a phlebotomist assistant or laboratory technician in a hospital/medical laboratory, or a physician assistant with experience in hospital/medical laboratory testing.

Phlebotomist Medical Technologist Virtual Assistant – USA & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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