Medical illustrator Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Medical illustrator Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Medical illustrator Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Medical Illustrator Specialist is an artist who work in the field of medicine. The Medical Illustrator Specialist make detailed drawings for textbooks and other publications used by physicians and students. The Medical Illustrator Specialist may illustrate the steps surgeons take during operations or draw pictures of both healthy and diseased body parts to show the effects of illness. The Medical Illustrator Specialist also build models of body parts for use in lectures or seminars. In some cases, the Medical Illustrator Specialist help to create artificial parts, such as ears or eyes, for patients who need them.

Medical Illustrator Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Planning, production and coordination of all aspects of the project, from initial consultation to final delivery.
  • Consulting with clients to plan visual solutions.
  • Developing storyboards/animatics/sketches to clearly define communication objectives.
  • Create and modify illustrations for both multimedia and print.
  • Creating and modifying and archiving 2D and 3D assets
  • Researching anatomy and physiology to ensure medical accuracy.
  • Working with team to ensure best practices when creating digital assets and imagery.

Medical Illustrator Specialist Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or related.
  • Knowledge of principles of photography and motion media.
  • Traditional illustration/rendering skills, including drawing the human figure.
  • Knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.

Medical illustrator Specialist – US & Canada
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