Market Research Analyst

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Market Research Analyst to be successful in their role?

The Market Research Analyst will research, compile, and analyze information on products and market conditions to identify potential new markets, sales opportunities, and the most effective methods of marketing specified products. The Market Research Analyst identifies and defines the objective of an assigned marketing research project. Also, the Market Research Analyst determines the best methods to use to meet objectives. The Market Research Analyst drafts questionnaires, polls, surveys, and other data collection resources. A Market Research Analyst Researches and compiles data related to current product market, customer demographics and interest, and factors influencing product demand. The Market Research Analyst analyzes results to identify ways of maximizing sales and market penetration of current products.

Market Research Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Manage operational aspects such as maintaining the research calendar and ensuring research reports are available on the company’s intranet.
  • Accomplish relationships with external partners.
  • Field ad hoc data requests to support marketing, retention, and new business efforts.
  • Continuously strive to identify how our research can be used to support key company initiatives.
  • Assist with and/or fully lead research projects, including tasks such as defining research objectives, questionnaire development, fielding, analysis, and report development/presentation.
  • Summarizes and analyzes data; makes recommendations related to research findings.
  • Reports findings, complete with graphs illustrating data and written text explaining complex findings.
  • Identifies potential new products or markets through research.

Market Research Analyst Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Consumer Behavior, Marketing, Statistics, Social Sciences or related field.
  • Working knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods and practices.
  • Solid experience with survey development platforms.
  • Self-motivated with the ability to efficiently manage time, priorities, and simultaneous projects.
  • Strong written and verbal communication and presentation skills, including the ability to translate analyses into easily digestible and engaging stories.

Market Research Analyst – US & Can

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