Junior Game Designer

Get a full-time outsourced Junior Game Designer. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Junior Game Designer to be successful in their role?

Game Designer is responsible of documentation, script writer, level-design, level-scripting, data entry, game balancing, integration of multimedia elements (texts, images, sounds and videos). The Junior Game Designer maintain a strong communication with the different department leads (Producers, creative directors, art directors, technical directors).

Junior Game Designer Responsibilities:

  • Design and develop multimedia applications, systems, and products involving computer graphics and interactive computing, such as computer-based systems for personal computers or CD-ROM applications.
  • Incorporate software applications in multiple technology media systems, such as graphics, animation, text, and sound.
  • Design core features of video games.
  • Specify innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, and character biographies.
  • Create and maintain design documentation.
  • Guide and collaborate with production staff to produce games as designed.
  • Apply fundamental concepts, processes, practices, and procedures on technical assignments.

Junior Game Designer Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in game design, analytics, or related fields.
  • Solid experience working on videogame game design.
  • Strong command of art skills including drawing, painting and rendering, perspective, composition, color theory, anatomy, and both 2D and 3D graphic design techniques.
  • Expert proficiency in Photoshop and Illustrator or related design software.
  • Great communication and writing skills.
  • A good understanding of object-oriented programming patterns.
  • Experience with visual scripting tools.
  • Excellent communication, technical & problem-solving skills.

Junior Game Designer – US & Canada
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