Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant

Get a full-time outsourced Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant to be successful in their role?

The Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant analyses and assist samples using computer-aided techniques. The Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant interpret, verify and validate results and report findings to the requesting clinician. The Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant make decisions on further immunological analysis and recommend additional tests where appropriate to help with the diagnostic process. The Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant Liaise with doctors and other medical professionals to discuss patient tests and treatment plans. Also the Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant advise on specific types of treatment for individual patients. Produce quantitative data in the form of reports and provide key information to medical staff about a patient’s condition.

Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Communicates sample scheduling and receipt with coordinators within the institution and at remote sites.
  • Monitors, orders and shelves tissue culture supplies to ensure efficient functioning.
  • Requires a working knowledge or the ability to be readily trained in antibody and T cell assays, including flow cytometry, proliferation and cytotoxicity assays involving isotopic and non-isotopic methods magnetic cell preparation and data processing, and multiplex cytokine analysis.
  • Prepares graphs, slides and tables via photography, computer, or manually.
  • Able to work with database, graphing and word processing computer programs such as Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
  • Communicates results to and understands instructions from principal investigator.
  • Monitors results, detects, and reports unusual outcomes and suggests modifications.

Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree.
  • Must be able to communicate well verbally and in writing.
  • Monitors results, detects, and reports unusual outcomes and suggests modifications.
  • Highly Motivated to learn
  • Assertive
  • Detail-Oriented
  • Prioritizes multiple tasks
  • Works independently
  • Strong Analytical skills.

Immunologist Research Virtual Assistant – US & Canada
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