Graphic Design Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Graphic Design Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Graphic Design Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Graphic Design Specialist with up-to-date knowledge to interpret client’s needs and design solutions with high visual impact. The Graphic Design Specialist will work on a variety of products, including posters, brochures, displays, logos and branding. The Graphic Design Specialist coordinate with CEO, marketing and internal clients, using the technical expertise of graphic design, typography, color theory, print technology and exhibit design principals and their experience on state-of-the-art graphic workstations and with high-end graphic software. The Graphic Design Specialist is flexible and versatile, able to manage multiple projects and also be able to develop creative and original concepts and talented to interact, communicate and present concepts and ideas. 

Graphic Design Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Produce digital and print materials including: social media graphics, web banners, posters, PPT presentations, fact sheets, brochures.
  • Help execute a wide variety of design related tasks.
  • Works on multiple projects simultaneously while ensuring on-time delivery.
  • Works closely with the Graphics Manager and other departments to ensure promotional material is created, ordered and installed prior to deadline.
  • Works closely with the Graphics Manager on the creative for all advertising.
  • Managing the client’s expectations by providing project production schedules.
  • Presenting ideas and prepare rough drafts and client proofs – Working with a variety of media and use graphic design software.
  • Thinking creatively to develop new design concepts, graphics and layouts.
  • Amending final designs to client’s comments and gain full approval.

 Graphic Design Specialist Requirements:

  • Experience as graphic designer.
  • Bachelor Degree in Fine Art, Graphic Design or Film or equivalent. 
  • Proficiency in Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), MS Office (PPT and Word) and others graphic design software.
  • Be organized and detail oriented.
  • Experience in branding initiatives.
  • Passionate about be original.

Graphic Design Specialist – USA & Canada
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The Value of Remote Outsourcing

American and Canadian businesses are now comfortable turning to Mexico to obtain key remote services provided by qualified and skilled professionals at significant cost savings.

Still today, many companies ignore the global talent pool and the opportunities that come with it. Today, cross-border recruiting is easier than ever.


Reduction of the cost of your payroll up to 70% 

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How an outsourcing partner can help you grow your business

Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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