Director Virtual Assistant

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Director Virtual Assistant to be successful in their role?

The Director Virtual Assistant will provide the overall administration of developing, implementing, and evaluating programs that ensure that all students admitted to the university have the tools to thrive and flourish academically. The Director Virtual Assistant is the primary liaison representing the academic concerns of underrepresented students within the undergraduate college and working with partners in Student Affairs and other university personnel. The Director Virtual Assistant will assume a leadership role for building and fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, restoration, reconciliation, and accessibility efforts locally, nationally and internationally, in the context of undergraduate education. The Director Virtual Assistant will have a passion for working with, and providing targeted student programming for, a diverse population of students as well as demonstrated experience and success supporting faculty program directors.

The Director Virtual Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Plan, implement, administer, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate a wide range of student activities, programs and services, including operating policies and procedures.
  • Serve as a resource person and advisor to a variety of student organizations.
  • Assist in Planning and implementation of new student orientation programs.
  • Stay abreast of current development in residential and student life programs in higher education.
  • Lead all major student activities (i.e. Homecoming King & Queen, Miss & Mr. DTC, New Student Orientation)
  • Serves as the immediate on-call professional for all situations related to student, whether residential or non-residential. 
  • Confer regularly with immediate supervisor, student affairs staff, and other college personnel to plan, coordinate, and evaluate programs/activities/policies, exchange information, investigate and resolve problems, refer students, and the like.
  • Other duties as assigned.

The Director Virtual Assistant Requirements

  • Excellent communication skills (both verbal and written).
  • Demonstrated negotiation skills.
  • Ability to accurately project time to complete tasks and communicate this information to project teams and leadership
  • Ability to work independently and interface with scientific and administrative leadership both within the College and outside affiliated institutions.

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