Database Warehouse Supervisor

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Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Database Warehouse Supervisor to be successful in their role?

The Database Warehouse Supervisor manages the daily activities of the team responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance, and support of data warehouse systems. The Database Warehouse Supervisor oversees data design and the creation of database architecture and data repositories. Being a The Database Warehouse Supervisor ensures proper balance between front-end systems and back-end processing capabilities. The Database Warehouse Supervisor installs processes for auditing data warehouses and oversees the logical data integration strategies (including documentation) for data flows between disparate source/target systems and the enterprise data warehouse. The Database Warehouse Supervisor supervises development teams to establish and enforce data quality standards and documentation.

Database Warehouse Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • Establishes, maintains, adheres to and enforces enterprise data modeling and data Integration standards.
  • Creates reporting.
  • Leverages system development life cycle and software project management approaches.
  • Conceptualizes and influences application and interface projects.
  • Ensures adherence to change control and release management procedures, including generation of appropriate packages, documentation and coordination with other technical areas.
  • Provides functional advice or training and serves as a mentor to less experienced data warehouse analysts.
  • Prioritizes and monitors project/task status and risk management/mitigation by working with appropriate managers on level of effort/estimates, resource assignments, etc.
  • Stays abreast of established and emerging data technologies.

Database Warehouse Supervisor Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, management information systems, applied mathematics or related discipline.
  • Technical experience as a data architect, developer with data modeling experience or related.
  • Experience with database performance, scaling, and tuning concepts.
  • Solid collaboration skills and experience working across multiple teams both within a division and enterprise-wide.
  • Experience with database monitoring and alerting.
  • Strong interpersonal, problem solving, facilitation, and prioritization skills.

Database Warehouse Supervisor – USA & Canada
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  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
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