CEO Remote Assistant

Get a full-time outsourced CEO Remote Assistant. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the CEO Remote Assistant to be successful in their role?

The CEO Remote Assistant responsibilities include managing calendars, making travel arrangements and preparing expense reports. To be successful as a CEO Remote Assistant, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills and be able to act without guidance. The CEO Remote Assistant is responsible for managing the schedules and communications of key company executives. The CEO Remote Assistant duties include prioritizing emails and phone calls, gathering documents to prepare for meetings and coordinating travel arrangements. Also, the CEO Remote Assistant organizes and coordinates executive outreach and external relations efforts; and oversees special projects.

CEO Remote Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Providing administrative assistance, such as writing and editing e-mails, drafting memos, and preparing communications on the executive’s behalf.
  • Maintaining comprehensive and accurate records.
  • Performing minor accounting duties.
  • Organizing meetings, including scheduling, sending reminders, and organizing catering when necessary.
  • Answering phone calls in a polite and professional manner.
  • Make travel and accommodation arrangements.
  • Rack daily expenses and prepare weekly, monthly or quarterly reports.
  • Oversee the performance of other clerical staff.

CEO Remote Assistant Requirements:

  • High school diploma or related.
  • Solid experience managing personal calendar and family schedules.
  • Experience scheduling appointments.
  • Advanced Microsoft Office skills, basic knowledge of PC and Mac operating systems.
  • Comfortable around troubleshooting technical issues and finding solutions.
  • Provides systematic and dependable follow up.
  • High level of organization and preparedness.

CEO Remote Assistant – US & Can

CEO Remote Assistant – USA & Canada. Looking to hire a CEO Remote Assistant? Take a look at our Job Descriptions Board. Remoto Workforce US.

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The Value of Remote Outsourcing

American and Canadian businesses are now comfortable turning to Mexico to obtain key remote services provided by qualified and skilled professionals at significant cost savings.

Still today, many companies ignore the global talent pool and the opportunities that come with it. Today, cross-border recruiting is easier than ever.


Reduction of the cost of your payroll up to 70% 

Hiring a remote and cross-border talent is easier than ever. 

Savings of up to

32% on your cost per hire

And the flexibility to grow your business anytime.

Feel free to ask us about our pricing and options for your business.

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How an outsourcing partner can help you grow your business

Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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