Audio Engineer

Get a full-time outsourced Audio Engineer. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

Remoto WorkForce USA / Canada

What qualifications, skills and experience required the Audio Engineer to be successful in their role?

The Audio Engineer’s responsibilities include creating and editing recordings, setting up equipment in studio and at events, following client specifications, and meeting project deadlines. An Audio Engineer should have excellent time management and show up on schedule for studio sessions and live gigs. To be successful as an Audio Engineer, you should have a discerning ear and be able to identify what sounds good. Outstanding Audio Engineer is someone with knowledgeable about audio equipment, able to follow written and verbal instructions, and consistently deliver superb results. Audio engineer use machinery and equipment to record, synchronize, mix, or reproduce music, voices, or sound effects. Audio engineer work on the production of movies, music recordings, live shows, or video games.

Audio Engineer Responsibilities:

  • Actively participate in the technical process of recording, editing, and mixing episodes, including sweetening/repairing audio.
  • Contribute to the creative aspects of the shows, including sound design, scoring, and the development of new ideas for creative sound-scaping.
  • Record and mix advertisements with wide-ranging sponsor expectations.
  • Engrave and mix promotional material.
  • Assist with the ongoing improvement of production and operational workflow.
  • Attend with updating and maintaining archival file systems and data workflows.
  • Assist with training staff in technical-skill development, and offer support to the content team in Pro Tools or sound software editing and audio recording best practices.
  • Meet deadlines consistently and output flawless final products

Audio Engineer Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in audio technology or similar.
  • Practical experience with sound equipment.
  • Superb ear for sound.
  • Significant creative experience designing stereo soundscapes, ambiences, vocal and musical effects, and mixing to artistic effect.
  • Extensive experience with audio software.

Audio Engineer – US & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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