Architect Virtual Assistant

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Architect Virtual Assistant to be successful in their role?

The Architect Virtual Assistant is an architectural professional who is just entering the architecture industry. The Architect Virtual Assistant job is providing basic support to the primary architect and other members of the architectural project team. The Architect Virtual Assistant complete work that is very basic, which frees the architect to concentrate on more complex tasks. The Architect Virtual Assistant study buildings and their designs under the supervision of the architect. The Architect Virtual Assistant also make up initial and final drawings that show the vision and technical details of the completed project. The Architect Virtual Assistant coordinate others working on the project, as well. Other duties The Architect Virtual Assistant include answering bidder inquiries, managing bidding and budgets, preparing written reports and providing general support to project members, such as document preparation.

Architect Virtual Assistant Responsibilities:

  • Under general supervision, assist with the preparation of detailed drawings showing both the external and internal appearance and structure of building projects.
  • Under supervision, assist with collecting, compiling, and analyzing data from the physical work site, surveys, as-built drawings, subsurface utility information, maps, environmental data, historical use, and other matrices for project development, design, and construction.
  • Assist with performing basic professional architectural work relating to conducting research and inspections of proposed and existing site conditions, resources, building, and infrastructure to determine conformance with applicable rules, standards, and construction or operating permits.
  • Performs routine architectural functions and provides entry-level technical assistance on various design requirement, building concepts, and operating strategies to account for the safety and functionality of occupants and end-users.

Architect Virtual Assistant Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in Architecture or related.
  • Knowledge of architectural principles, practices, process, and the application to project work-related issues.
  • Familiarity with building planning, drawing standards, design, and construction management; including restorative and new design.
  • Capable creative, visualization, and technical drawing skills.
  • Awareness of relevant building and construction laws, codes, regulations, compliance practices, and record-keeping requirements.
  • Competent interpersonal and communication skills.

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