Supply Chain Planner Analyst

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Supply Chain Planner Analyst to be successful in their role?

The Supply Chain Planner Analyst perform pricing analysis and forecasting and planning and source materials in collaboration with cross-functional teams. The Supply Chain Planner Analyst manage activities for the day to day operations and special projects within the operations team’s scope of responsibility. The Supply Chain Planner Analyst analyze market conditions, customer usage and contracts to identify opportunities for customers- Also maintain purchasing processes, documents, calendars, work schedules and all other required tools to maximize the procurement team’s efforts. The Supply Chain Planner Analyst develop and maintain top to top relationships with key supplier/vendor partners and implement purchasing policies, practices and risk mitigation strategies

Supply Chain Planner Analyst Responsibilities:

  • Provide data analysis for warehouse planning and volume and cost analysis.
  • Participates in cost reduction and process/rating improvement efforts.
  • Ensure security and accountability of inventory through transaction documentation, process and procedure verification, and system review.
  • Manage and communicate with appropriate people regarding orders, product availability, shipping information, etc.
  • Expand category contracting utilizing strategic sourcing practices.
  • Support budget responsibilities within the procurement department.
  • Ensure all contracts are following legal requirements and appropriate regulatory agencies.
  • Act as a liaison between carriers, customer, and sales with daily updates on all shipments to key customers.
  • Meet the required update deadlines as specified by sales, customers.
  • Provide accurate information in the format specified by sales, customers.

Supply Chain Planner Analyst Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree and/or business experience.
  • Strong computer skills with competence in Word, Excel, Access, and SAP applications.
  • Strong communication (oral and written), collaborative problem solving, and analytical skills.
  • Strong organization and planning skills including project management.
  • Knowledge of materials management and logistics.
  • Be able to work independently and in a team environment.
  • Solid knowledge of Supply Chain Materials Management, Inventory and/or Logistics.

Supply Chain Planner Analyst – USA & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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