Shopify Specialist

Get a full-time outsourced Shopify Specialist. We help you hire the right talent at the right time.

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What qualifications, skills and experience required the Shopify Specialist to be successful in their role?

The Shopify Specialist is a professional who helps specialize in the Web Development of Shopify Websites. The Shopify Specialist have full cognizance of how Shopify works, and have extensive knowledge of payment gateways, inventory management, navigation, and checkout operations. Also, the Shopify Specialist have expertise in building online stores for Shopify ECommerce platform. This includes proficiency in frontend development, web design, and user interface (ui). The Shopify Specialist also work with the Shopify Apps and Integrations meant for inventory systems, payments, and other functionalities needed for delivering client’s store. Simply put, the Shopify Specialist have unique insights, development experience, and extensive knowledge about necessarily everything that is required to specialize in Shopify projects.

Shopify Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Troubleshooting software issues.
  • Assistance with managing knowledge base.
  • Monitor all stock levels across wholesale partners and factory for all products and work with COO to maintain healthy stock levels for product catalog.
  • Liaise closely with Product, Fulfillment, Operations, and Customer Experience teams to improve efficiencies and maintain product catalog, for the highest customer experience.
  • Collaborate with the Web Design and Developer teams for onsite optimizations such as product recommendations, upselling/cross-selling opportunities, and search improvements.
  • Help to improve shoppability of key sections/pages of the website by making recommendations supported by data.
  • Assist with the day-to-day coordination of website activities, i.e. product uploads, reporting, organizing stock transfers, stock alerts, etc.

Shopify Specialist Requirements:

  • High school diploma or related.
  • An understanding of e-Commerce, UI/UX, content and development projects, and intuitive knowledge of how users interact and shop in a digital environment.
  • Excellent ability to analyze data and propose objectives
  • Solid experience with online merchandising or similar role.
  • Strong experience in eCommerce.
  • Previous experience in client service role, interacting with clients at all levels of an organization on a regular basis.

Shopify Specialist – US & Canada
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Outsourcing saves companies’ capital, time, and resources, among other things.  

  • Management becomes more people-driven than cost-driven.
  • Partnering with the right outsourcing company can help your business to consistently deliver high-quality products and excellent service.


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